Institutional Information:
Maleficent is a film loosely based on Charles Perrault's original Sleeping Beauty story. Directed by Robert Stromberg and produced by Joe Roth, 2014's Maleficent is a dark fantasy film featuring Elle Fanning and Angelina Jolie. Distributed by Walt Disney and Motion Pictures, Maleficent was released in the UK on 28th May 2014 with a running time of 97 minutes. It took $758.5 million at the box office in comparison to its original $263 million budget.
The trailer uses a mix of diegetic and non diegetic sound throughout. The trailer opens with a soft slow tempo soundtrack typical of the fantasy genre; the music sounds majestic yet eerie which immediately introduces the audience to the films genre. A deep male American voiceover is used over the top of the film trailer which is a convention of film trailers - this non diegetic type of sound provides the viewer with any additional information needed about the films narrative, however in this particular trailer, the voiceover of a character is not included.
Towards the opening of the trailer, iconic clips of Walt Disney's original animated film of Sleeping Beauty and shown alongside live action reenactments used within the Maleficent film. However, the abrupt ending to these comparisons allow the audience to understand that the film is not an ordinary version of Sleeping Beauty, but is instead a retelling focusing on the original film's antagonist. Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is commonly used in fantasy films and examples of this are shown throughout the trailer.
Mise en Scene:
Low key lighting is used throughout the trailer, reflecting its dark fantasy genre. This, alongside the dark colours used, evoke a sense of mystery within the audience. Colours such as black connote power and sophistication, as well as danger and mystery, and this provides the audience with a sense of her character.
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